Blended in the style of the flavorful yet Medium Bodied Cuban Cigars. Cigars are rolled in Nicaragua using select Nicaraguan tobaccos and classic cuban blending with a beautiful Cuban triple-cap.
Carefully hand-crafted in Nicaragua, Tatuaje Havana VI is a richly rendered Nicaraguan puro. Dark and oily, the Havana VI combines a beautiful Nicaraguan wrapper with a robust blend of Cuban-seed Nicaraguan long-leaf tobaccos. Patiently aged and expertly balanced, Havana VI is medium in body with a smooth earthy core, rich black cherry that is peppered with spice and leather flavors. A strong and complex cigar with a long finish.
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Corojo
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Body: Medium
Flavor: Medium