Seventy ring gauge cigars are definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, but their popularity has grown substantially over the last decade nonetheless. For those that have no problem puffing away on a cigar that is roughly an inch and an eighth in diameter, Nick Perdomo is excited to share his new Perdomo Immenso Seventy!

Perdomo has officially shipped the Perdomo Inmenso Seventy Sun Grown and Maduro. Originally introduced in the early 2000’s, the Perdomo Inmenso Seventy was a legend before its time. Back by popular demand, the Perdomo Inmenso Seventy is blended with 5‐year aged Cuban‐seed Nicaraguan tobaccos and is offered in three blockbuster sizes: a Robusto (5 x 70), Epicure (6 x 70), and Churchill (7 x 70), with a Maryland MSRP of $6.72, $7.80, and $8.87 per cigar (INCLUDES Maryland tobacco tax.)
“The seventy ring gauge Inmenso cigars we made in the early 2000’s were considered enormous back in the day,” states Nick Perdomo, Jr., President, and CEO. “Today, seventy ring gauge cigars have become more than a trend and are some of the industry’s most popular sizes amongst experienced smokers. There is no denying that the past year presented many challenges to our retailers and consumers, and as a result, we will proudly introduce these premium hand‐made cigars at lower than planned price points. These are exceptional cigars I know everyone will truly enjoy.”
The Perdomo Inmenso Seventy Sun Grown is a medium‐bodied smoke. The 5‐year aged Cuban‐seed Nicaraguan Sun Grown wrapper adds a smooth spiciness to the robust 5‐year aged Cuban‐seed Nicaraguan fillers. The Perdomo Inmenso Seventy Sun Grown offers a rich, earthy flavor with hints of cedar and spice on the finish.
The Perdomo Inmenso Seventy Maduro is a medium to full‐bodied smoke. The 5‐year aged Cuban‐seed Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper adds a rich sweetness to the robust 5‐year aged Cuban‐seed Nicaraguan fillers. The Perdomo Inmenso Seventy Maduro has an outstanding aroma and complex flavors with hints of oak and espresso on the finish.
FYI! You DON’T need a 70+ ring gauge cutter to shave the top off the head of these monsters. Just take your regular old cutter and nip a little off the top. Most people cut way too much off anyway!