Carolina Red Flake 2022 Small Batch

2022 Carolina Red Flake

An inspired blend of the finest North Carolina grown Red Virginias, Carolina Red Flake is Cornell & Diehl’s tribute to the historic “Old Belt” growing region. Taken straight from fertile Carolina soil, these exquisite, top-tiered Virginias are all grown, threshed, blended, lovingly pressed and carefully sliced right in the heart of old tobacco country. Combining a hay-like grassiness with subtly sweet, tangy notes, it’s a Virginia purist’s delight with a complex flavor: rich, deep, and earthy with subtle hints of dried fruits and citrus.

The 2022 edition of Carolina Red Flake features matured TA-20 Red-Orange Tips (the same grade as in 2021’s Carolina Red Flake with Perique), boasting a substantial natural sugar content of 13.53%, and all sourced from a single family farm in North Carolina. Carolina Red Flake is quite simply the finest Virginia flake that Cornell and Diehl has ever produced.

Limited production of 15,000 two ounce tins has all been distributed to participating retailers, so when we sell through our current supply, we literally can’t get any more, unless we buy out another retailer. So, Get Some While We Got Some!

MARYLAND RETAIL PRICE: $17.70 (included is OTP tax of $2.70